Get Billing Quote by Medical Billing Service Provider in Massachusetts

Massachusetts is the most populous state in the United States’ New England region. Since the tax implications in Massachusetts are the greatest, we, at Tall Rcm Incorporation assist you to improve the process, whether you have a well-established medical practice or are just starting.

The demand of running a healthcare practice can be exhausting for you, having a specialized Biller take care of your Claims can free up the time to concentrate on patient care. Our specialized Billers can help you streamline the practice’s needs; they have the requisite skills to handle this task.

You can map our Billers’ abilities to your billing and coding requirements with medical billing service in Massachusetts:

  • Charges, fees revisions are monitored
  • The annual fee- Insurance contract rates  and payment plans are tracked and analyzed
  • The electronic claims are submitted regularly.
  • Customized rules in place which helps to send out Clean claims and prevent delay in the payment
  • Financial progress reports are shared monthly and weekly basis.

The federal government is attempting to curb healthcare costs, which would not be possible without the active participation of doctors. Controlling costs and streamlining billing procedures can begin with maximizing the physician’s practice.

Our medical billers, with their extensive knowledge of billing lexicons, will assist you in increasing clients while still adhering to the billing laws, which necessitate a thorough comprehension of and familiarity with the state of Massachusetts. Our Billers’ experience is very useful for specialty practices who want to follow up on claims daily, address questions about patient billing, and minimize rejected claims by submitting the clean claim as per CMS guidelines.

Tall Rcm Incorporation’s Medical Billing and Coding Service

AR Claims – Small statements are mostly ignored by billers. Regardless of the dollar amount of the report, our AR callers regularly follow up on every single medical claim. Our AR calling specialists and 24/7 support would help you increase your revenue.

Processing of Claims – The trick to obtaining full insurance coverage is sending out clean claim (CCR) to insurance at first level. Tall RCM’s Medical Billing Service assists you in sending electronic claims to thousands of payers, printing national and state-specific paper claims, and receiving electronic claim processing data.

Billing by Doctors – Working together with medical professionals from various states and specialties has its benefits. We not only increase revenue, but we also understand your needs and deliver upon them.

Contact us to get a quote for our Medical billing service in Massachusetts. Connect with us at or

Yes, we have the resources in place to help your business endeavors. We also have a trained staff to take care of all your queries.

We only hire candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree. Every employee at our is CPB or CPC (Certified Professional Biller or Certified Professional Coder) For projects requiring a high level of expertise, we hire people with a Master’s degree in fields such as Business Administration, Engineering, Statistics, Finance, English literature, communication, and research.

We do, we ensure that all of our arrangements and deals are well executed. We have long-term clients who have been trusting us for years now.